Minimalist Design Taking Over? Everything You Need To Know

What is Minimalist Design? 

Minimalist interior design is very similar to modern interior design. The design involves using the bare essentials to create a simple and uncluttered space.  It is characterised by simplicity, clean lines and a monochromatic palette with sometimes a small amount of colour.  

Why it Became Popular

Minimalist design has been popular for a long time, but it’s become even more so recently. It is popular because it works well with a lot of designs and has many benefits. Minimalist architecture became popular between the 1960-1980s. This is because in London and New York architects and fashion designers worked together in boutiques to achieve simplicity. They used white elements, cold lighting, and a large space with minimum objects and furniture.  

Why is Minimalism a Trend Today?

Most millennials have reported that they prefer to spend their money on experiences then on material things such as furniture and décor. This has marked a shift in priorities from people just a generation ago.  

Positives and Negatives of Minimalist Interior 

There are a lot of positives and negatives to this design for example: Minimalist interior is good because the spaces are instantly recognisable for their clean, crisp, and clutter free look. Studies have shown that decluttering your space helps declutter your mind, and creates a sense of visual calm. However, with the minimalist interior, you could run the risk of feeling slightly soulless and it can optimize your mental health.  Having the worry of creating a mess and focusing on only having things you need can cause people a lot of anxiety. Whereas, with some people, the minimalist interior is great because the brightness leads to less stress, and because of the minimal furniture the occupant doesn’t feel cramped. 

Many people have a fear of the minimalist design because they fear that it wouldn’t be homely without warm or bright colours and clutter. Designers and architects like to add different textures such as: timber, glass, pottery, cloth and canvases. They have found that using these textures make the home feel fuller and warmer and adds more character.  

If you are trying to become a minimalist the best way to start is to pick a good base colour and build around that. Also choose smaller, nicer pieces of furniture so it doesn’t bulk up the room. You shouldn’t try to hide stuff places either, because it will end up creating clutter again. And you shouldn’t involve needless items in your designs.  

 Minimalist Interior Design for a living room
A Minimalistic Living Room